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What is MS?

In a nutshell...

✅ MS is a lifelong condition caused by your immune system mistakenly attacking your brain and nerves.

✅ Symptoms can include: fatigue, balance issues, vision problems.

✅ No, MS is not fatal.

✅ Yes, you can still have children.

✅ There is no cure, but there are many effective treatments.

Shift.ms is a community of over 45,000 members sharing their experiences of MS. You can use the site to make the most of your appointments, learn and ask questions about the condition and speak to other people with MS about symptoms and treatment choices.

We believe that MS isn’t about giving up on your ambitions. Just rethinking how to achieve them.

Shift.ms is an independent charity and its free. It takes two minutes to create your account. Join our community, it's run by MSers, for MSers.

What our members have to say

Shift.ms testimonial
Shift.ms testimonial

Creating your free Shift.ms account takes two minutes. Join our community, it's run by MSers, for MSers.

What does life with MS look like?

We asked the Shift.ms community member Ciara to talk thorough her life since she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. She shares her secret of how to find the good out of a bad situation.